Don’t Let the Door Hit Ya

Don’t Let The Door Hit Ya
By Rev. Debra McKnight

Don't let the door hit ya
we are heading to a new day
and getting back to our ‘theological task.”

I’m not going to miss your minority opinion
claiming oppressed status as you take us
to the good old days…that were only good for a very, select few.

I’m not going to miss your closed minds, hardened hearts or trap doors,
your toxic positivity and your Joel Olsteen vibes.

I’m not going to miss your shallow songs
where we all sing like a shame-filled victim and then declare victory
Over and Over and Over and Over again…wait…one more time.

I’m not going to miss your testimony
about your "gay friends” or “your queer nieces” who know “you love them”
but you can’t love their truth, their partner, their being or their dreams
and that, my dear ones, is exactly what love requires.

I’m not going to miss your gaslighting games or your attempts to play victim.

I’m not going to miss your “Lord, I Just” and your over-reaching sense of authority.

I’m not going to miss your self-help Jesus
or the ways you confuse domination with “discipleship making.”

You are wolves wrapped in the coziest wool
you set a table to feast on the vulnerable, in God’s name,
with the same brand; our same cross and our same flame.

But boundaries are sacred and long over do.
If you cannot stay in joy, then go in peace.

The future deserves a bigger dream than let's “Resist Harm.”

As we part,
I pray for you, in grief and sadness,
in hurt, anger and relief
and to be honest, with a hint of pity.

Because you are missing out on the wild beauty of God’s vast and varied creation.
You are missing out on smiles of relief and tears of joy at safe refuge.
You are missing out on the full spectrum of humanity, dappled with Divine Love and radiant creativity.
You are missing out on a God that is more than ‘HE’
and power that doesn’t look like strength over but partnership with.
You are missing out on the truth and gift of your own interconnected humanity.

And so blessings on your journey
until at last, you receive Ananias and the scales fall from your eyes.
And when that day comes
we will be here,
with salves and ointments and healing balms
to mend the wounds bad religion creates.


Dear Abbey friends,
This week a new Methodist denomination has begun. The theologically conservatives, while they may have won the votes in last General Confrence have realized the American Church is ungovernable. And so they are departing, even as work is yet to be finalized in the global church regarding inclusion of our queer siblings.

As I have said before, we are part of a big church and the only global church that makes decisions democratically. The conservative voice, while a minority within American church delegates has done its work to manipulate and manage church delegates from other countries. There will yet be voting and discussions in the global church. If you hear harsh words spoken by a Methodist, I am sorry!

I also want to be clear that nothing in the global church will impact the choices or work we do for inclusion. It has not and it will not. And guess what, for all our weird differences we received their funding for our new church to start and we continue to receive grants for our campus ministry.

WE will continue to embody everything

Rob Renfroe of Good News Movement, John Lomperis of the Wesley Covenant Association, Mark Tooley of the IRD, the dudes who wrote charges against Rev. Anna Blaedel on a a napkin in Iowa and pretty much everyone going with the conservatives are afraid of…rainbows and inclusion and researched based sex education to prevent decease and women leaders and CRT and Justice and questions and doubts and faith that doesn’t fit on a pamphlet and coffee. Okay, I don’t know if they have a stance on coffee…they just have so many its hard to keep track. Their new denomination is called GMC…not the truck company but Global Methodist Church.

I have been a part of this church my whole life. Watching General conference in 2019 was heart breaking, being a part of UMC Next was hopeful and this moment may not be the last step but it does feel like progress forward and I am grateful for that clarity. If you have questions please let me know and if you like to explore with Methodist Nerds, Hacking Christianity is a great blog by one I really enjoy.

Blessings from your friendly local Abbot,
Rev. Debra


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