Urban Abbot

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Harvest Prayer

God of Seed and Sower,

God of the Hearth and Harvest

A tender mystery of life unfolds from blossom to fruit,

from seedling to stock

and a sea of grain draws life from the sun and nourishment from our rich earth,

and we pause in gratitude for Your provision.

The tapestry gold and bronze,

orange and red,

and tawny, amber waves

will soon be painting the horizon

inviting our hearts;

daring us to look away.

Harvest is a pregnant pause,

and so with a deep breath is this season of labor,

we feel with all our hearts the calling to feast and festival

that is echoed through every generation,

and so we in this moment we honor the gifts of those who have walked before us.

Like our ancestors, we celebrate the companions on our journey,

the labor of our hands and the gifts of all creation,

a sacred meeting of past, present and future

as the call of the Spirit sets our sights on what we might yet sow.

God of all that is and was and ever shall be,

as we celebrate the harvest of fruit and grain,

We tend the seeds of possibility,

what shall we sow that might prepare a Harvest of Righteousness

nurtured in the waters of justice,

raised in the light of unending compassion

and tended in grace by hands and hearts of love. 

A harvest where the lowly are lifted up and the mighty brought low,

A harvest were the hungry are filled with good things and the greedy find a new way

A harvest where the vulnerable hone our sights that we might see You magnified.

A harvest of plowshares and pruning hooks, in the face of tools crafted for destruction

A harvest of healthcare without bankruptcy and exhaustion,

A harvest of learning fully funded,

A harvest of ‘we’ over ‘I’ or ‘me’ or ‘my,’

a rainbow of possibilities and diversity that makes us all stronger.

A harvest of faith, hope and love

that puts our hands to the work of making earth as it is in heaven.

May it be so. Amen.