Advent: Prepare the Way

First Sunday of Advent

Zechariah: Luke 1:67-80

Peace Advent candle

Call to Worship

Come away from the rush and race; away from the endless noise that says buy more so you can be more.  Come center and reflect, give thanks and pray.    

We gather to prepare a new way.  

Forget the long list of things to-do and finish, wrap or get; today we prepare the way of the Lord, today we take steps in the mysterious practice of grace.

Open our eyes and open our hearts to celebrate the sacred in each face.

Forget the canned carols and stop fussing with lights, today we prepare beyond things.  Today we prepare to see God in the one and in the 99, God in the old and God in the young, God in the seeker, sinner and saint, God in the unexpected, the surprise and the voice of change. 

We gather to sing out in every voice and tongue,  “Believe in grace, prepare the way of the Lord.”

Second Sunday of Advent

Elizabeth: Luke 1: 39-45

Joy Advent Candle

Call to Worship

Come away from the canned carols and get out of the lines.  Take care and take time to center and connect, celebrate and pray. 

We gather to prepare a new way.  

Forget the long list of things to do, wrap or get; today we prepare the way of the Lord.

Open our eyes and open our hearts to celebrate the sacred in each face.

Forget the must have, must finish and must make.  Stop fussing to get each ornament in just the right place.  Today we prepare beyond things.  Today we prepare to see God in the last and God in the least, God in the wait, the wonder and the surprise, God in the Judean hill country and God in power hungry, poised like Rome, God in the struggle and God in the leap of joy. 

We gather to sing out in every voice and tongue,  “Prepare the way of the Lord.”

Third Sunday of Advent

The Shepherds: Luke 2:8-20

Hope Advent Candle

Call to Worship

Come away from the rush and race; away from worry that steals time.  Come center and reflect, give thanks and pray.    

We gather to prepare a new way.  

Forget wrapping the perfect gift or tying the perfect bow, today we prepare the way of the Lord, today we look with wonder towards the mystery of grace.

Open our eyes and open our hearts to celebrate the sacred in each face.

Forget the commercials that shout and the cards that remind of lost dreams, today we prepare to see something more.  Today we prepare to see God in the old and God in the young, God at the center and God in the Marginalized, God in the seeker, sinner and saint, God in the unexpected, the surprise and the voice of change. 

We gather to sing out in every voice and tongue, 

“Glory to God in the Highest Heaven,”

“Prepare the way of the Lord.”

Fourth Sunday of Advent

Mary Sings: Luke 1:46-56

Love Advent Candle

Call to Worship

Come away from the whispers of shame and proclaim blessing; away from the endless noise that says you are to small to make change and sing an ancient song that lifts up the lowly.  Come center and reflect, give thanks and pray.    

We gather to prepare a new way.  

Forget the busy distraction, the worry that clouds our wondering, the details that distract us from the work of faith at hand; today we prepare for the hungry to be filled with good things, , today we prepare for a day when all children go to bed safe, warm and well fed.

Open our eyes and open our hearts to celebrate the sacred in each face.

Forget the to-do lists and stop fussing with lights, today we prepare beyond stuff and meaningless things.  Today we prepare to see God in the lowly lifted up and the powerful brought low, God is the vulnerable voice singing, “My Soul Magnifies the Lord.” God is the Love that asks us to be more, God is the unexpected, the small flicker of hope and the pathway to all things made new. 

We gather to sing out in every voice and tongue,  

“My Soul Magnifies  the Lord,”

 “Prepare the way of the Lord.”


Advent: Shaping the Season in Clay and Wonder


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