Call to Worship (Matthew 20:1-16)

Based on Matthew 20:1-16

We gather in abundance, 

away from the rush and the race, 

the push and the need.

How good it is to gather!

We gather in abundance, away from the consumption that wastes and destroys, 

Because we are created to be agents of change, 

not consumed but empowered, impassioned and  transformed.

How good it is to gather to celebrate the gift of passion to work beyond titles and live beyond things.

We gather because who you are is more than what you do.  

We gather because the productive class is not about numbers and brackets 

but about God’s life-giving dream 

where all have enough and each sacred heart goes to bed warm, beloved and well fed.

We gather to celebrate the source; that seeded abundance in each soul and urges us to be more.


A Prayer for Mental Health Awareness Sunday


Abundance: Call to Worship