Urban Abbot

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Changing Rhythms! Changing Lives! Advent and Christmas Eve Liturgy

Notes on use: In our context, we explored a diversity of drums and the places around the globe from which they come. We hosted drumming circles during Advent. We used drums as a display during worship and focused around the body’s pulse, breath and other rhythms. Sermons and children’s sermons included drumming and lessons about drums, as well as mindful breathing and feeling our pulse. Drums were the key image for the season but the image was an invitation to explore patterns and rhythms in life.

First Sunday of Advent

Theme of Awareness and Lighting the Peace candle

Call to Worship

Come feel the pulse of your heart, silence the fluorescent hum of long hours and longer nights, come leave the race driving us beyond our means.

Hand to our heart, we find the rhythm of creation, the steady center we seek.

Come draw in the breath of life, silence the noise of early bird sales and the voices shouting buy more so you can be more; come put the canned carols and noisy trinkets away.

Hand to heart, we catch our breath and find God’s pace. 

Come hear the ancient rhythm singing new rhymes, the sweet sway of peace, the pulse of creation that always was and ever will be.

Hand to heart, we find You present, grace woven through the season’s melody, drumming creation’s eternal beat.

Lighting the advent wreath                           

We light this candle, as a symbol of peace, 

The flame dancing to creation’s eternal beat, 

drawing us close as we in silent stillness wait 

for the mystery to unfold.

Lighting the Tree

We light these trees, in the midst of our waiting.  As we leave this place, may we see every Christmas tree as a symbol of peace.  May it illuminate the sacred in our waiting and open our eyes to the sacrament of our season.

Pastoral Prayer

Loving God, Living Water

We are waiting in a season of pulsing lights, busy schedules and hurried days where the work of Christmas finds us wrapping and shopping, sending, and baking under the buzz of florescent haze rather than sinking deep into moon bathed sleep.  Our tempo is pushed, our pace is driven, our days are punctuated with buzzing alarms and honking horns, singing toys and obnoxious ring-tones, while commercials remind us of everything we want, no of everything we need.  

We are losing our rhythm;  

Struggling to find the beat.  

Quiet our souls, that we might hear anew creation’s tender pulsing heart 

Quiet our souls that we might be renewed 

and reconnected by each deep deep breath.  

Prepare us for the possibilities to be birthed in our waiting.  

Calm our spirit that we might relax our selfish grasp and change our hurried pace; choosing new instruments 

and dancing your dance in this season of grace.  

May it be so. Amen.

Second Sunday of Advent

Themes – Joyfulness and lighting the Joy candle

Call to Worship

Come in from the harsh places; come feel the rhythm of laughter that sings right from the soul, the beat of an unstoppable smile greeting the sacred in each face.

Feet planted and heart open, we feel the rhythm, joy alive within the snow-covered earth.

Come leave the worries behind and lay the lists aside; come feel the gospel of the earth, the song of greening, the sweep of the wind calling bare branched trees to conduct the sweet symphony peace.

Feet planted and eyes open wide, we catch our breath and connect.

Come feel the ancient rhythm dancing within, take courage and let go of fear, sing God’s tender melodies of peace and refrains of delight

Feet planted and arms open wide to the joy of creation, we sing Love’s presence alive.

Lighting the advent wreath                           

We light these candles, as a symbol of joy, 

the flame dancing to creation’s eternal beat, 

drawing us close as we in silent stillness wait 

for the mystery to unfold.

Lighting the Tree

We light these trees, in the midst of our waiting.  As we leave this place, may we see every Christmas tree as a symbol of joy.  May it illuminate the sacred in our waiting and open our eyes to the sacrament of our season.

Third Sunday of Advent

Themes – Connectedness and lighting the Love candle

Call to Worship

Come in from the rush and the drums echoing fear, come catch your breath, open your heart and connect; come find the sacred in the rhythms that sing out from every corner of the earth.

Hand to heart, we find the rhythm of creation, the song of our soul.

Come away from the race, take heart and grasp hands remembering that love is more than a victory march; come sing out in the Earth’s sweet symphony of grace and drum new rhythms of peace.

Hand-in-hand and eyes open wide, we find one common rhythm pulsing inside.

Come hear the pulse of life that rings in the bells and twinkles in eyes alive with hope across our city and around the globe.

Hand-in-hand and heart-to-heart, we sing Love’s presence alive.

Lighting the advent wreath                           

We light these candles 

that we may remember our call to peace and celebrate God’s joy.  

We light our third candle, as a symbol of love, 

the flame dancing to creation’s eternal beat, 

drawing us close as we in silent stillness wait 

for the mystery to unfold.

Lighting the Tree

We light these trees, in the midst of our waiting.  

As we leave this place, may we see every Christmas tree as a symbol of love.  May it illuminate the sacred in our waiting and open our eyes to the sacrament of our season.

Fourth Sunday of Advent

Themes – Wholeness and lighting the Hope candle

Call to Worship

Come in from the noise, the meaningless chatter that can make us feel small, come catch your breath, open your heart and connect; come find the sacred in the rhythms that sing courage to make us whole.

Hand to heart, we find the rhythm of creation, the song of our soul.

Come away from the songs that make us green with envy, come put the stories of old wounds away, take heart and grasp hands, hear God’s sweet lullaby and sing of home with the music of grace.

Hand-in-hand and eyes open wide, we find one common rhythm pulsing inside.

Come hear the pulse of hope that rings in the bells and twinkles in eyes across our city and around the globe; come change rhythms and be whole.

Hand-in-hand and heart-to-heart, we sing Love’s presence alive.

Lighting the advent wreath                           

We light these candles 

that we may remember our call to peace, live in Joy and celebrate God’s love.  

We light our fourth candle, as a symbol of hope, 

the flame dancing to creation’s eternal beat, 

drawing us close as we in silent stillness wait 

for the mystery to unfold.

Lighting the Tree

We light these trees, in the midst of our waiting.  

As we leave this place, may we see every Christmas tree as a symbol of hope.  May it illuminate the sacred in our waiting and open our eyes to the sacrament of our season.

Christmas Eve

Call to Worship

God is with us.  The drum of peace echoes good-news and the dream of hope leaps up as a child to greet the new day.

Drawing us together in the rhythm of life.

God is with us.  The heartbeat of creation calls, hear the ancient rhythm singing new rhymes, catch your breath and take hands in the sweet sway of peace.

Drawing us together with a tender lullaby.

God is with us.  Hear the pulse of hope ringing in the bells and twinkling in eyes across our city and around the globe; come change rhythms and be whole.

Hand-in-hand and heart-to-heart, we sing Love’s presence alive.

Lighting the advent wreath                           

We light these candles that we may remember our call to peace, live in joy, celebrate God’s love and serve as messengers of hope.  

All of creation bears witness to the difference one child, one soul can make.  We light the Christ candle, remembering God is with us: awe and wonder alive in this humble, human home.

Lighting the Tree

We light these trees and remember God is with us.  

The song of peace shining in each tiny light, calling us to look with new eyes at the sacred in each face.

Children’s Program for Christmas Eve 

(Little Drummer Boy woven through with spoken refrains)

Note on use: This liturgy was created to include all children interested in participating in Christmas eve but requiring one a few leaders to practice and lead the other children. The music leaders lead the entire congregation in the sung refrain. Children were divided into six groups and older students lead the smaller children, they process during the song into the center chancle, each group holding a different drum and one student reading the liturgy once they get into place. All movement happens during the song. 

Congregational Singing: Little Drummer Boy

Come they told me, pa rum pum pum pum 

A new born King to see, pa rum pum pum pum 

Our finest gifts we bring, pa rum pum pum pum 

To lay before the King, pa rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum, So to honor Him, pa rum pum pum pum, 

When we come. 

Group One Reader Reads from the front of the sanctuary.

We come with a Hoop Drum from North America, 

round as creation, 

singing low, 

the base at the heart of it all, 

whole and open wide, 

the First Peoples Native to the Americas 

know it to be God celebrating the beat of the drum pulsing inside.

Group Two Reader Reads from the front of the sanctuary.

We come with a Dhoumbak from Persia, 

ringing out new rhymes 

in high clear tones 

calling us to change rhythms 

and slow our busy, overworked pace.

During the next verse, groups 1 and 2 move stand by the manger, the drum carrier playing with the song as they take their place with the manger, groups 3 and 4 process forward and take their place in the front of the church, the drum carrier playing as instructed.

Little Baby, pa rum pum pum pum 

I am a poor boy too, pa rum pum pum pum 

I have no gift to bring, pa rum pum pum pum 

That's fit to give the King, pa rum pum pum pum, 

rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum, 

Shall I play for you, pa rum pum pum pum, 

On my drum? 

Group Three Reader Reads from the front of the sanctuary.

We come bringing our Bodhran 

from the Celtic heart of Ireland, 

the pulsing rhythms of God with us 

in laughter that sings right from the soul 

just as God is with us 

in the labor and struggles of life lived full.

Group Four Reader Reads from the front of the sanctuary.

We come bringing our Djembe from Africa, 

a drum singing out good news of God’s Grace 

from town to town and place to place 

calling us to change rhythms and love life.

During the next verse, groups 3 and 4 move stand by the manger, the drum carrier playing with the song as they take their place with the manger, groups 5 and 6 process forward and take their place in the front of the church, the drum carrier playing as instructed.

Mary nodded, pa rum pum pum pum 

The ox and lamb kept time, pa rum pum pum pum 

I played my drum for Him, pa rum pum pum pum 

I played my best for Him, pa rum pum pum pum, 

rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum, 

Then He smiled at me, pa rum pum pum pum 

Me and my drum. 

Group Five Reader Reads from the front of the sanctuary.

We come bringing our Tabla from India, 

fingers dance across this drum 

making three distinct sounds 

out of one, 

celebrating the sacred in each unique voice 

and calling us to listen with our heart open wide.

Group Six Reader Reads from the front of the sanctuary.

We bring our bongo from South America, 

two drums 

connected as one, 

softly it sings 

calling us to listen 

and move to hope’s sweet song 

that we might live changed and renewed.

During the next verse, groups 5 and 6 move stand by the manger, the drum carrier playing with the song as they take their place with the manger.  Solist sings:, Peace on Earth may it be years from now perhaps we’ll see..., over the top of the little drummer boy.

Come they told me, pa rum pum pum pum 

A new born King to see, pa rum pum pum pum 

Our finest gifts we bring, pa rum pum pum pum 

To lay before the King, pa rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum, So to honor Him, pa rum pum pum pum, 

When we come. 

Children return to their seat singing Joy to the world with the bells ringing.

Hymn Joy to the World


Optional Ending: 

Pastor speaks about the ‘shells into bells’ and leads the congregation in this reading.

As they entered worship this evening, each child received a bell.  These are very special bells, before they were bells they were Gun Shells, fired in war torn Cambodia.  Peace takes work and at Christmas we celebrate God’s call for us to live in peace.  To work for peace and transform tools of violence into instruments of peace, as our children return to their seats their bells ring with hope, as living symbols of Joy in the World.  

People:  Once these were gun shells that hurt people and broke hearts 

now they are bells, metal changed, re-worked, transformed 

ringing with joy and singing peace to change hearts.

Children return to their seat singing Joy to the world with the bells ringing.

Hymn Joy to the World

Christmas Eve and Advent Communion

The Lord be with you

And also with you

Lift up your hearts

We lift them up to the Lord

Let us give thanks to the Lord our God

It is right to give God our thanks and praise

It is right and a good and joyful thing always and everywhere to praise you, Loving God.

You set in motion the rhythms of life.   With the breath of life, you set our heart beating,

opening our eyes to the pulse of your spirit.  Even as we have fallen into tempos that push us beyond our humanity, you call us to center and hear ancient rhythms singing new rhymes that we might change lives.  

We thank you for Jesus Christ, 

Who walked within all of our reality, sang of justice, opened our ears to the sweet sway of peace, and taught us to play in your symphony of grace.  With all integrity he claimed the glory of life, hard won.

God of Compassion, we praise you and with the faithful of every time and place, join creation’s eternal hymn:

Holy, holy, holy, 

With Christ, love embodied, You delivered us from brokenness and destruction

And made with us a new covenant by water and the Spirit

On the night in which Jesus gathered his beloved family and friends to the table

He took bread, gave thanks, broke the bread, 

gave the grain of hope to the people he loved and said

“Take, eat.” “Do this in remembrance of me”

When the supper was over, and the crumbs lay round about the table, he took the cup,

Gave thanks to you, invited his loved ones to taste the fruit of paradise, saying,

Drink from this all of you, this is a symbol of the new covenant.  Poured out for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins that in overcoming brokenness you might embrace hope.  Do this as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.

And so in remembrance of these your mighty acts in Jesus Christ.  We lift our voices in praise and thanksgiving as we proclaim the mystery of our faith.

Christ has died, Christ has risen, and Christ will come again. 

Pour out your Holy Spirit on us and on these gifts of grape and grain

Make them be for us the body of Christ, 

That we might be for the world God’s people of compassion nurtured in Christ’s love, members of one body, dancing to one sacred beat. 

By your Spirit make us one with Christ

One with each other

And one in ministry to all the world

Until Christ comes in the full glory of compassion 

And we feast at the table of paradise.

Through your child Jesus Christ with the Holy Spirit in your holy church, all honor and glory is yours, Loving God now and forever.  Amen.

Epiphany of the Lord Sunday

Call to Worship

From distance and difference we gather, laying our able pride and eager calculation aside to celebrate God with us.

Drawing us home by another way.

We gather catching our breath;

Standing in awe of a child, clothed in the light of a new day, 

Swaying with vulnerable songs of peace at home in the infant’s cry.

Drawing us close that we might choose another way.

We gather for God is with us.  Feel the pulse of hope seeded in your soul and twinkling in eyes across our city and around the globe; come change paths and be whole.

Drawing us together that we might walk the path of grace.