Urban Abbot

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A Prayer with Mary Magdalene: We are Becoming

Good God, Loving God

Jacob wrestled all night to

become Israel.

Sari laughed in God’s face and Abram counted the stars to

become Sarah and Abraham.

Simon blundered. learned and loved,

needed grace and offered grace to

become Peter, the rock.

Saul breathing treats and sewing hate,

encountered the divine on the road, and scales fell from his eyes to

become Paul.

Becoming is divine work.

Leaving us entirely changed.

And then there is Mary the Tower.

The one we can look to,

the one who stands tall and stays through the bitter end.

Mary the tower, lighting the path,

splashing hope across the surface to the sea.

Mary the tower, the refuge in storms,

safe and secure welcoming the temps tossed in.

Mary the tower, the one who inspires

strength, courage and discipline.

Mary, the preacher of Resurrection’s Sweet Song

Mary, the companion, the anointer, the mystic and saint

Mary, the mama hen, drawing the fearful to remember

just how beloved they are.

Mary’s becoming invites us in.

And so, even when we are to afraid or to comfortable

even when we would rather numb then wrestle,

even when we like the scales that slant our sight,

even when we laugh and blunder,

whine and roll our eyes,

You show up anyway.

May we never be the same.

May we become, just exactly the ones we are called to be.
