Urban Abbot

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Gathering for Purpose

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One:  How good it is to gather, connect and dive deep into the river of life; wash clean the wounds of harsh judgments and death dealing laws; open our narrow notions and shake free of old absolutes.

Many:  Gathered to give thanks and pray, gathered to unbind the gospel and open our hearts.

One:  Gathered to live faith beyond pew and wall, to live as the glass that is stained proclaiming the stories of God; gathered to be the seat of comfort when the stony road is hard and the flame of the acolytes’ wand, bearing light to the shadows of fear, indifference and hate.

Many:  Gathered to open the box, undo the boundaries and celebrate our life-giving God.

One:  Gathered to throw the gates open wide, find rest in the shade of the tree of life and strength for the journey in the limbs bowed low with Love’s abundant fruit, calling us to honor the last and lift up the least, to make heaven now, brick-by-brick on radiant more than golden streets.

Many:  Gathered to live God’s impossible love, a church without walls, on earth as it is in heaven.