Urban Abbot

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Invocation Prayer for The Greater Omaha Chamber

Loving God, Living Water,

We pause to center in gratitude for the work of this body and to honor the possibilities that rest within our creative instincts and our vocational callings. We pause to honor the resilience and ingenuity seeded in our very souls and give thanks for the diversity of gifts that our neighbors bring to the table.

As we pursue dreams and rise to the challenges of our day

may our drive be for a greater purpose, that all may have life and have it abundantly.

As we hone our craft as leaders and clarify our vision may we also be ever more clear of both our responsibility and boundless capacity to transform our community into a beacon of justice and compassion.

Grant us the courage to live into the rhythm of our city's prophets

that call us to an ethic of equality,

and transform a history woven in red lines and bound by glass ceilings.

We are driven with the relentless energy of an underground sea

to a future of inclusion and diversity,

a future where all can pursue dreams and transform visions into reality.

Grant us courage as we chart the course for prosperity

that our work makes space for the divine dream

where every child goes to bed safe, warm and well fed.

Bless, Loving God, the work of this body, bless the work places in our community with a creative spirit and ingenuity, bless all who bring their gifts to fuel this economy and bless our work that that we may truly make a good life for all.

May it be so. Amen