Urban Abbot

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A Prayer for the Start of the Legislature

Loving God, Living Water

The season of decision making is before us.

Lawmakers are going to work

filling the chambers with longing and debate;

bills waiting to become law.

And we are heavy with worry,

especially if we have been here before. 

We have watched our friends share their stories, 

experts share their papers only to be cut short, 

neighbors share tears and heartbreak and hugs,

songs and sobs, cheers and chants brought our rotunda to life,

lines of hopeful voices wove through the grounds and waited in the halls.

And we want to shout and swear and cry and rage,

especially if we have been here before. 

The season of decision making is before us,

Our lawmakers are coming to work. 

And so are we.

Grant us courage to write hope into letters and testimony, 

chants and press conferences,

voices of love determined that all shall be well.

You, Loving God, spoke light and dark and there was and You called it good.

You sang the fish and frogs, the lions and the lambs and the birds to life.

You whispered us into being. 

Word made life and connection.

Word made the sea and sky, voice and story, wonder and compassion.

Word made flesh and action, all of us sacred and different and divine.

And so we will bring our voice, 

learning to speak Your heartfelt words

that nurture, empower and call us towards the greater good.

Words of research and study, words of wisdom and honesty,

Stubborn facts, sturdy questions and beautiful dreams,

Sacred stories and vulnerable needs,

Spoken to guide the choices and changes that, by Your love, 

we are called to make 

that all may have life and have it abundantly.

May it be so, 
