Lead us not into Temptation

Lead us not into Temptation

By Rev. Debra McKnight

Lead us not into temptation.

Deliver us. Rescue us.

Save us from our worst selves.

Deliver us from the temptations that surround

not just from wine or chocolate,

to much sugar and extra ice cream.

But from the temptations that plague us all.

Lead us deeper than the big TEN or the seven deadly sins,

to parse out the nuance of what really harms.

Lead us deep that we might be rooted,

and find what gives life.

Lead us beyond our temptations

for false humility and meaningless “I’m sorry”

beyond harsh self-critique

that bludgeons us into the perfect shape, score or size.

Save us from the boxes and limits we make, perceive and accept.

Save us from never really knowing who we are

and the temptation to stay small.

Lead us to name our gifts,

grow our deepest strength for the greater good

and celebrate who we are.

Deliver us from conforming and comfort

when courage and gumption demands we stretch our our branches wide.

Deliver us from ego, arrogance, and perfection of what matters least,

deliver us from talking over, looking down and knowing-it-all.

Deliver us from absolute certainty, un-earned authority,

and power without restraint.

Save us from storing up, keeping up,

and ‘influencers’ that could honestly care less about who we really are.

Save us from doing it all,

all the time without purpose,

without rest.

Save us from the rats we consider racing

and the ladders that someone else thinks we should climb.

Save us from indifference and disconnection,

from false security and narratives of sacristy,

conniving mis-truths and the fallacy that we can control

Love’s miraculous web of life.

Save us our selfish holding of time and talent and treasure,

from the whispers that we built this all by ourselves

and we probably do deserve more.

Save us from our privilege to stay home and be flaky,

from silencing the news and the harsh reality,

from disregarding the absolute F***ERY of every system and institution,

from ignoring the deep grief,

the messy diagnosis and devastating heartbreak.

Lead us to our work in the wilderness,

that we might grow and know deeply who we are.

Strong enough to show up for the holy and the messy.

Clear enough to show up for the holy and perfectly imperfect.

Ourselves enough to show up for the holy work of Love

that makes us and all things new.

This is our Ernest Plea;

Save. Lead.

Deliver us, that we might be true to the sacred seeded deep within.

May it be so. Amen.


Exploring the Lord’s Prayer: Temptation, Trials & The Evil One


Exploring the Lord’s Prayer: Forgive us as we Forgive