Magnificat Exploration Prayer

My Soul magnifies the Lord and dances in the dream of God’s great Love,

opens eyes to the vulnerable and sets the oppressed at liberty,

for God looks with favor on the lowly.

My soul dreams for a day when a mother’s great worry is getting kids to school on time,

scheduling dance class or

deadlines for what ever summer camp sets her sweet ones heart on fire.

rather than tear gas, gangs and genocide

without one thought to the old echos of poverty,

without one worry about where the next night will be or

if the food will be enough to nourish a hungry tummy.

My soul dreams for a day when fathers weigh heavy under his words

of encouragement and growth,

rather than the burden of the ransom they might have to pay

or the risks of a long road to safely or the paper work they need

or legal systems build for privilege of some other race,

some other face, some other religion.

My soul dreams of grandmas who dance and tell stories of peace and prosperity

Grandmas who breathe grit and whisper, “you can be anything you want to be”

without one thought to the news of the next school shooting

or brown face gunned down with tax payer dollars or

transgendered teen left broken, battered and abused.

My soul dreams of grandpas who build swing sets and bake good bread,

setting out the seeds for the birds of the air,

saying, “look close to the wisdom of God’s green earth”

without one moment of worry to the polluted air or

500 year storms coming every five or ten.

My soul dreams of aunties and uncles and families made out of friends,

gathered to share in hope and in good faith when the health of one is uncertain

without one moment spent raising funds,

without one hour lost arguing with insurance or

minute squandered debating a fee.

My soul dreams of children crying only for forgotten toys, spilt milk or skinned knees,

asking, “Are we there yet” when the travel is by choice and not fear

and pleading only for another piece of candy or one more book or

one more hug before bed.

My soul dreams of earth as it is in heaven, lowly lifted and hungry filled

My soul sings Mary’s song that the proud, haughty, arrogant and rude

the selfish and small that looms large in this present hell we make

be transformed, utterly changed,

God’s love making all things new and

our hearts making earth as it is in heaven.


Invocation Prayer for The Greater Omaha Chamber


Beatitudes: Blessed