Milking Cows: Celtic Spirituality

Celtic spirituality is rooted in the the everyday, by and for real people who did not have time for long liturgical prayers or an hour to meditate. Maybe you don’t either? But maybe you have a moment or two or ten or more through out the day that could be mindful, life-giving and centering. Celtic prayer casts the circle wide and invites the mind to journey with the sacred all day long. Esther De Wall uncovers a history of prayers:

prayers for milking the cow, making the bed, weaving at the loom and churning the butter;

prayers for laying down and rising in the morning,

prayers for blessing the meal and blessing the work of ones hands.

Bless, O God, my little cow,

Bless, O God, my desire;

Bless Thou my partnership

And the milking of my hands, O God.

Bless, O God, each teat,

Bless, O God, each finger;

Bless Thou each drop

That goes into my pitcher, O God!

(Celtic Way of Prayer by Esther De Waal, p 80)

Perhaps you don’t need a prayer for milking cows but perhaps you and I would experience our everyday differently if we invited the divine along with us. See that’s the thing about these prayers…every little thing is sacred if done with the heart’s intention to love.

Maybe a prayer for opening your door to home or work or school or wherever…

Loving God, Bless this threshold that I cross

May we walk in to love one another.

Maybe a prayer for your cup of coffee:

Loving God, Bless this sip and the farmers hands.

Loving God, bless this taste and the roasters work.

Loving God, as I am blessed by the labor of so many,

make me a blessing to others.

Try one for a week. See how it goes then add another one. Make one up or just pause and say thank you and take a deep breath with each transition in your day.


Walking in Nature


Exploring the Lord’s Prayer: Temptation, Trials & The Evil One