Soul Voice/Heart Anchoring Meditation

(adapted from Mary Magdalene Revealed by Meggan Watterson) 

Accessing the Eye of the Heart: 

Take three intentional breaths:

  1.  A breath to descend into the heart

  2.  A breath to connect with the soul

  3.  A breath to surface and know that I am being led by love.

Listen. Ask. Receive.

I enjoy using this prayer/meditation on-the-fly when I need to re-center or as a regular part of my daily spiritual, plug-in practice.  I have taught it to clients who use it to calm themselves when anxious, angry, distracted or stressed…and/or proactively as a daily practice.  

This practice assists in helping us tap into our hearts so we can access “the Good” and the feeling of the Good (how Mary’s gospel refers to God).  It is both simple and challenging… challenging to get out of the way…out of our thoughts and our head, into our heart.  It requires radical trust, starting with the desire to trust “I am inherently good”, even with all that is part of my humanness.  

This practice puts into action “Be still and know that I am God/Good”.  As Meggan Watterson says, “The Good here isn’t earned. The Good belongs to us, within us. The Good is inherent in what it means to be human.”  To put it another way, this is practicing mindful self compassion at its finest.  

The practice, elaborated:  

  1. Start by taking a deep breath, returning fully to your body as you set the intention of your heart.   (You can imagine this space called heart however you want…i.e. a little red raft on a warm, calm ocean that just floats and sustains you and feels like the most dependable thing that has ever existed (from Meggan Watterson) or I like to think of Richard Rohr’s image of a sustained, warm hug from behind.) 


Take your time to FEEL settled…when you feel that state of heart that only comes from dislodging the mind and you are fully present. 

On the exhale I then like to imagine an anchor coming through my heart and grounding me in the Good/Love.

  1. Second breath: inhale as you imagine connecting with your soul (I like to lean back a bit as if the soul is giving me a hug). You can also imagine connecting with your Truth, your Voice, or intending to meet with Love.  It is that which is part of you yet greater than your physical body.  Then ask…whatever it is you are bringing in the moment.  Then believe.

  1. Third breath:  inhale gratitude.

As you exhale, intend to surface from behind your eyes, seeing out now with the eyes of love.  

Seanne Larson Emerton

   Relational Life Coach


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