Our Father: A Prayer

Our Father

Papa, Dadda, so close You are known in the first sounds to cross our lips
and teach our tongue.

Momma, Papa, essential and intimate,
heart and home,
sweat and blood,
milk and bread,
tough and tender,
the essential helix weaving us into life.

Dadda, Momma, the one to nourish,
the one to whom we cry, and rage
and shout and throw a fit knowing we will be loved, anyway.

Mom, Dad the names we yell when at last we arrive home,
dropping our bags, announcing our presence,
claiming our space and knowing we are never alone.

Dad, Mom, Grandpa, Auntie;
the ones we call when we need a way out of no way, wisdom for the next step
or a ride home to safely, no questions asked or eyebrows raised.

Mamma, a cry for life, for safely, for bandages and hugs
for food, for more, for help
for breath.

My God, our Father, what a claim
Papa a Revolution, Mamma a revelation

Intimate as family with God Almighty,
kin with the weaver of the universe, sharing the substance of stars
Siblings of all creation, each lake and stream and tree,
each creature and each face near and far
Our Father, A Holy birthright gifted to all, not owned by a privileged few.

My God, what a claim!
All of us kin,
sacred and beloved children of God.

My God, what a claim,
a world teeming with the holy,
all of us family.

My God, Our Parent, tending our dreams, seeding us with courage and gumption and grace.
Our Mama, drawing us close like the hen gathering her chicks and
protecting us like an eagle guarding her nest.
Our Father wiping our tears, holding us close and promising better days.

My God, what a claim.
For Your love we give thanks and for all this bond of kinship expects of us
may we have the courage to be your children, reflecting Your All-Loving image.

We pray with the one who taught us to pray, Amen.

**Photo credit/Artist: Alexander Golob


Our Father: A Reflection


A Prayer For This Present Anger