Urban Abbot

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Palms to Passover: A Litany on Mark’s Gospel

A Meditation for the Wednesday before Easter

Hosanna’s wait on spellbound lips and the palms are now at rest,

as Jesus full of righteous rage, turns the tables and draws the temple thieves out,

saying, “no” to the eclipse of domination, power, violence and greed.

And a few were so afraid, they plotted to stop the wave of change.

Seeking substance, beyond rhetoric,

Jesus teaching in the temple bests

the Priest and the scribes at their own game,

speaking truth to all who thirst for God’s reign,

crowds gather and listen with delight

as he calls each one to love their neighbor as self

and God with all their strength.

Days before the feast of unleavened bread,

remembering Moses cried let my people go,

Jesus, anointed by the last and the least, was sought,

sought by the authorities,

sought by those fearing the nuclear wrath of Rome

and changing the status quo.

So the lot was cast and the plan was made to arrest by stealth

and evade a riot among the people of hope.

As you read finish, consider reading Mark 11 through Mark 14:11 as Jesus enters the city of Jerusalem and prepares for Passover. Allow the reading and the litany some space in your day as you prepare for holy week.

(If you are looking for a Bible to use, search NRSV online and you will find a few options that will allow you to search the verses you seek. The NRSV is a translation rooted in research and care. To add depth to your personal reading practice, consider reading another translation in addition to the NRSV. The differences in language may provide spaces for wonder or insight.)