Praying with Big Magic: Divinity

Creating and Creative God,

You divine us from dust and in the deepest exhale You fill us with spirit,

You shape and form and birth.

You make us sacred and profane,

Dust and spirit,

the lightness of breath and the weight of the earth at once.

You make us extraordinary and ordinary

powerful and weak,

great and small,

durable and vulnerable

all of this mystery knit together at the same time.

You make us great beyond belief and the tiniest speck on a tiny spot in the vast universe

…nearly meaningless blips on the ark of time,

knit together with spirit and flesh,

to live and move and have our being.

And so we, in our enormous smallness,

trembling and triumphant at once,

feeling in dawn’s wee light sense your call to create

and You midwife us into our own divining,

into our own deep breath.

What shall we make?

What shall we make that is everything and nothing, but loved anyway.

What shall we make that is perfectly-imperfect, ordinary and extraordinary at once?

What shall we make that is sacred but not set apart to be valued from far away?

What shall we make that fills moments with gratitude

and through a mirror dimly grants us eyes that we might see?

What shall we make that sweeps the cobwebs of harm and hurt from our inhumanity away?

What shall we make that lays a new foundation where each sacred little speck of being is treated like a king?

Holy One, we are ready.

Our hearts are open.

Our ears are inclined

and our eyes are focused on what might be.

Grant us courage we pray,

In the name of the One in whom we live and move and have our being.



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