Praying with Hamilton: "Non-Stop"

Praying with Hamilton: "Non-Stop"

Loving God, Energy Source and Seed of Direction,

There’s a million things I haven’t done.
Good work that rests ahead and
lists and lists of boxes un-checked.

Help me choose,
What’s at the top, what’s next?
What do I do with my time?

Help me be Non-stop,
Driven in the best possible way,
non-stop for God’s dream that all may have life and have it abundantly,
non-stop with bold moves, unwilling to play small and keep folks

Non-Stop in the best possible way,
like those on the offensive with the abolitionist, engineering a powerful,
invisible train
or marching, stride for stride with the suffragist, saying no to the
status quo.
Non-stop for compassion,
disregarding boundaries and barriers to justice and love, inclusion
and truth.

Non-stop for family and friends and friends we make family,
driven with grace for the small ones and love the wise ones in our life,
awake to each moment as a gift to build bonds and ties that bind.

Non-stop for a dream that is bigger then me,
non-stop for others rather than my ego
non-stop with passion not driven to exhaustion.

There’s a million things I haven’t done. Help me choose what matters most next?
Help me dive deep into my gifts and the world’s greatest needs.
Guide me to the sweet spot, neither bland nor hectic,
To a life’s work that values each moment,
honors each minute and won’t let time slip carelessly away.

There’s a million things I haven’t done. Help me choose.



Praying with Hamilton: "That Would Be Enough"


Praying with Hamilton: "The Schuyler Sisters"