Urban Abbot

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Prayers of the People for National Coming Out Day

Prayers of the People for National Coming Out Day
By Rev. Debra McKnight

With all our heart and with will all our mind, let us remember and imagine, praying
Loving God, we will dwell in hope.

For the peace of all creation, for the welfare and unity of all peoples, Let us pray to the Lord.
Loving God, we will dwell in hope.

For the leaders of the nations, faith communities of every place and creed, and all in authority, grant them the wisdom to seek justice for all, let us pray to the Lord.
Loving God, we will dwell in hope.

Weave (Musical Refrain)

For ministries cut short, for discrimination in our workplaces, for words of domination and acts perpetuating myths and stereotypes, forgive us, teach us the fullness of your grace and give us courage to be a voice for change, let us pray to the Lord.
Loving God, we will dwell in hope.

For the lives lost and wounds inflicted by hate down the street and around the globe, grant us the strength to stand against the tide of evil and the will to demand justice, let us pray to the Lord.
Loving God, we will dwell in hope.

For young lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer students in schools across our state, nation, and world, grant them the courage to know the value of their voice in the midst of a culture of fear, let us pray to the Lord.
Loving God, we will dwell in hope.

Weave Refrain

For parents, families, and friends; that they may know one another more authentically, support one another more completely, and extend their arms in loving embrace, let us pray to the Lord.
Loving God, we will dwell in hope.

For the women and men who stand against heterosexism, grant them the strength of a stonewall times of worry, the wisdom to proclaim your sign of promise after the storm, and the resolve to dwell in the possibilities, let us pray to the Lord.
Loving God, we will dwell in hope.

For the movements of change, for victories large and victories small in this labor of love, for each conversation that converts and moments that melt hardened hearts, for the rolling waves of justice that refresh each sacred soul, let us give thanks and pray to the Lord.
Loving God, we will dwell in hope.

Weave Refrain
Pastoral Prayer
Lord’s Prayer