Seeking Home Call To Worship and Prayer
Feeling lost and sometimes overwhelmed by a world of brokenness.
This morning we come from a distance.
Seeking your justice and celebrating the difference seeded within.
This morning we come from a distance.
To connect across boundaries and barriers, to remember we are friends.
This morning we come from a distance finding our way home.
Opening Prayer
Loving God, Living Water,
This morning we come from a world of distractions; our time is punctuated by ringtones, shouts, and alarms while checklists frame the successes and failures of our day. In this hour, God may we remember to find solace in the midst of noisy streets and relationships beyond electronic connections. When we feel lost, may we remember that GPS may not always offer the directions we need. Open our hearts to seek and our schedules to simply be. Be the bridge, which draws us from distance and distraction; the bridge connecting us one to the other that we might remember we are loved and emerge transformed.
In the name of the One Who Is, Amen.