Urban Abbot

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Stewardship Call to Worship

One: We gather in Abundance, away from the rush and the race, 

to celebrate the generous spirit that sings, without fear, “may all have enough.”

Many: We gather to live into the work of God’s call.

One: We gather in Grace, awake to the sin of despair and degradation, 

awake to the chance to be more 

and the possibilities seeded within.  

Many: We gather to grow:

to change moment-by-moment,

 in grace again-and-again.

One: We gather in Hope, ready to do more than talk, 

ready to make change one letter, one meal, one home, one gift, and one hand at a time.  

Ready to live and move and be. 

Ready to be the Change God calls us to be.

Many: We gather to give of our time and our talents, our hopes and our energy.  

We gather to be.

Stewardship Call to Worship

 Luke 6: 20-27

One: How good it is to gather, to hear the Spirit’s call, 

urging us with challenge and change and blessing us with hope;

Many: Calling us to come home to space that is more than mine and love beyond things.

One: The Spirit whispers , “Blessing and Grace” come leave your long-lists behind, draw the water of life to parched lips and be refreshed; 

Many: Calling us beyond old expectations and ego driven rules.

One: The Spirit proclaims, “Blessing” come be the change and the hope made flesh, come not to be served but to serve;

Many: We gather, celebrating the Spirit’s brave call, we gather side-by-side to celebrate life gifted with grace.