Urban Abbot

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Epiphany Prayer

God of the Midnight Sky,

We find ourselves in the story of those wise ones
who fixed their eyes
with patience and anticipation on the horizon,
searching for a blaze of possibility

Until at long last, they saw it, felt it, knew it at its rising
and so they too rose to meet the moment.

As evening hours soak up the day,
may our eyes, adjusting to the dark, see with greater clarity
finding something new, illuminated on the horizon.

As winter wraps around us,
may we trade the easy progress of daylight for each intentional step,
slowing our pace to find our true direction.

As we rest and rejuvenate by the fire,
may her warmth spark new awareness of our shadows and haunting fears
that draw our hearts to wholeness and healing.

As we sleep deep in the quite curve of evening,
may we awake to dreams and urges, insights and longings;
nudging us to clarity and opening our eyes to the brilliance across the horizon that bids us rise.

May it be so. Amen.