Resources For Exploring Women in the Bible

Hi Folks!

Abbey friends have asked me to suggest some books about women in the Bible. This is my DREAM question. Yes. I would love to suggest books and materials about women in the Bible…honestly…try to stop me. 

Also this is my dream question because I want to tell you to be careful because Christian Publishing is a minefield of patriarchal bullshit and that is literally the nicest way I can put it. Do not be fooled by covers and you should approach with healthy skepticism. If it talks about Proverbs 31 or Biblical Womanhood, get ready to run. Look at the publisher. Look at the author and their education and ask yourself if that is an accredited institution? Is this press connected to conservative Christian organizations? Is this man writing about Biblical womanhood with an agenda of putting women in a subordinate place…that is a fair question and Christianity invites lots of questions. 

First, a set of Resources you might like…that we made:

Mama Mary and the Feminine Divine 

Six Weeks with Mary Magdalene 

Bloom with Bravery 

Unsung Heroes (Not all biblical women but a lot) 

Second, here are some sermons you might like: 

Third, here are some books that I love about women in the Bible that are not trying to tell you their stories so they can put modern women in their place. The first really great resource I would recommend is The Women’s Bible Commentary. It’s an investment but it is so useful. 

If you are looking for a good group of studies to explore as a devotional tool or as a group resource I really like Alice Connor (Fierce and Brave) and Lynn Japina (Widows to Warrior and Daughters to Diciples). Plus you can’t go wrong with a little Joan Chitister in your life if you want to look at women’s friendships in the bible, she has a good book for you. 

Brave: Women of the Bible and Their Stories of Grief, Mercy, Folly, Joy, Sex, and Redemption 

Fierce: Women of the Bible and Their Stories of Violence, Mercy, Bravery, Wisdom, Sex, and Salvation by Alice Connor

From Widows to Warriors: Women's Stories from the Old Testament

From Daughters to Disciples: Women's Stories from the New Testament

By Lynn Japinga 

The Friendship of Women: The Hidden Tradition of the Bible Paperback by Joan Chittister  

If you are looking to dive in a little more you might consider these and some more more classic academic books that ready get into some hard spots: 

Texts of Terror (40th Anniversary Edition): Literary-Feminist Readings of Biblical Narratives

Phyllis Trible (Author)  Gale a. Yee (Foreword by)

Women Who Do: Female Disciples in the Gospels

Holly J. Carey 

Womanist Midrash: A Reintroduction to the Women of the Torah and the Throne 

by  Wilda C. Gafney  

Finally, before I went to Seminary I found these resources to be really helpful. My pastor had a few of them, and gave them to me when I encountered my first round of conservative christian voices. They are still on Bookshop (to my surprise) and may be found used. They are not as new as the others but meant a lot at a time so I share them with you.

Just Wives? Stories of Power and Survival in the Old Testament and Today by Katherine Doob Sakenfeld 

Do what You Have the Power to Do: Studies of Six New Testament Women by Helen Bruch Person

Leading Ladies: Transformative Biblical Images for Women’s Leadership by Jeanne Porter

No book or resource is perfect and the truth is it’s hard to know anything absolutely. Women’s names are often cut out, their characters are simplified and they don’t have very many lines; so you and I really have to look at the whispers and read the context.  But taken all together I think we can feel rooted in the wisdom of our history and tradition while empowered to live life beyond all the destructive gendered boxes into which the world tries to squeeze us. All of us need these stories. No matter your gender identity because they are there to make us bold and brave.

Be big and bold and full of joy. Happy exploring!

Blessings from your friendly local Abbot!

Rev. Debra McKnight

Founding Pastor 


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