Intercessory Prayer & Sunlight

One day, probably in autumn, I went out into my yard to read, write & reflect. After placing my blanket on the grass, I leaned back against a sunbathed landscape boulder. Aah, so relaxing. Then I felt the sun bathing my back. As my body soaked up the sun -- my reading and writing drifted away & I felt the warmth of the Divine infusing my being. “This is prayer” -- I remember thinking/ experiencing.

Since that time – I have practiced a kind of intercessory prayer (praying for others) in which I hold folks in that divine light & warmth. I do not use words – make supplications/ requests – knowing that God/ the Divine/Sacred life will care for them. It is not my responsibility, nor my ability, to know what they need – or what should take place – it is in the hands of the divine.

I have a prayer bracelet that I created some years ago – it has a special bead for each of my family members, several for groups and faith communities to which I belong, situations around the globe, and even one one for persons with whom I disagree.

So each day, I touch the named beads on my prayer bracelet – holding each family member, church community, ailing or broken persons or situations, & myself in the sunlight & warmth of God's presence.

In so doing – I feel connection with each of them & all of life through that radiant Sacred beam.

-Rev. Susan Davies


Centering Prayer


Walking in Nature