A Wintering Prayer
Wintering Prayer
By Rev. Debra McKnight
Wintering God, Loving Fire
In the freezing and the thawing
As the brown branches frame the precious light,
Grant us courage to be right where we are.
not longing for summer or wishing for spring,
not escaping or resisting but
leaning into the real and present gifts
the season may bring.
with the clarity of cold and the dazzling flakes of snow,
each a unique wonder of diversity,
piling up and slowing our pace.
with the gifts of hearth and home;
tending the flame of the heart,
letting thoughts percolate and
centering our being over our doing,
so the healing rest may take center stage.
with the subtle shades of the sky’s creamy light
heavy with snow and the earth’s many brown hues,
the crisp focus winter invites to look again at everything being made new.
with the vibrant evergreens
that sing of how life is working its way through roots and humus,
microbes and creatures great and small
ever present even if out of sight.
with cozy socks and woolen sweaters,
the tea cup’s soothing steam and
nights long hours
in the company of good books and great friends.
with all the cold has to teach,
the pause of snow,
the rest of long nights,
the dancing firelight
that we might love our whole selves in every season of life,
with intention,
with preparation,
and with deep care
to be well right where we are,
just as we are.
Wintering for ourselves that our community
may be warm, safe, nourished and well.
May it be so.